いくぽんのPC雑記 Vol.19

     UpDate Rev.1 970516 Rev.1.1 970517

WinBench97(3D WinMark)レポートUpDate Rev.1.1 970517

PentiumII266&300ベンチレポートUpDate Rev.1 970516



WinBench97(3D WinMark) TEST RESULT

WEIGHTED SUITE	           Matrox Mystique	          3Dfx VooDoo	 Rendition Verite 1000

3D WinMark			        45 [2] 	           113		         48.2	 

TEST			           Matrox Mystique	          3Dfx VooDoo	 Rendition Verite 1000 

3D Quality/Fog Vertex	                × [1,2]                ○ [1,3] 			○ [1] 	 
3D Quality/Fog Table		        × [1,2] 		○ [1,3] 			○ [1] 	 
3D Quality/Specular Highlights	        ○ [1,2] 		○ [1,3] 		   Incorrect [1] 	 
3D Quality/Color Key Transparency       ○ [1,2] 		○ [1,3] 			○ [1] 	 
3D Quality/Alpha Transparency	        × [1,2] 	    	○ [1,3] 		   Incorrect [1] 	 
3D Quality/Linear		        × [1,2] 	     	○ [1,3] 		    	○ [1] 	 
3D Quality/Mipmap Linear	        ○ [1,2] 		○ [1,3] 			× [1] 	 
3D Quality/Dithering		        × [1,2] 		○ [1,3] 			○ [1] 	 
3D Quality/Perspective Correction       ○ [1,2] 		○ [1,3] 			○ [1] 	 
3D Quality/Fog Vertex and Color Key     × [1,2] 	   Incorrect [1,3] 	           	○ [1] 	 
3D Quality/Fog Vertex and Alpha	        × [1,2] 	   Incorrect [1,3] 	           Incorrect [1] 	 

コメント:まず驚くのが、VooDooがサポートしている3D描画機能の多さと、Mystiqueの少なさ… さすがは 3D専用カードと言うべきか。 Veriteはちょうどその中間ですね。 但し、VeriteもMystiqueと同じく、2D/3D兼用のアクセラレータという事を考えれば、凄いと思います。
3D WinMark/ 1/Stations1,N,2 22.3 [1,2] 34.5 [1,3,4] 15.3 [1,5] 3D WinMark/ 2/Race Track,N,6,T 13.9 [1,2] 17.9 [1,3,4] 11.1 [1,5] 3D WinMark/ 3/Chapel,N,6 4.06 [1,2] 4.74 [1,3,4] 4.36 [1,5] 3D WinMark/ 4/Stations2,L,2 2.36 [2,6,7] 19.8 [1,3,4] 11.6 [1,5] 3D WinMark/ 5/Stations3,L,2,S 2.23 [2,6,7] 14.2 [1,3,4] 0.763 [5,6,8] 3D WinMark/ 6/Islands,L,6,T,F 1.64 [2,6,9] 6.09 [1,3,4] 4.01 [1,5] 3D WinMark/ 7/Chapel,L,6 1.58 [2,6,7] 4.77 [1,3,4] 4.33 [1,5]
コメント:単位は全てfpsです。 VooDooの速さには、本当に驚きます。 テストによっては、Mystiqueに比べて、 最大で8倍程度の差が付いています。 驚いたのが、Veriteの大健闘ぶりです。 今回のVeriteはリファレンス モデルなので、これがCanopusのTotal3Dなど、メーカーによってチューンが施されている場合、もっと高速な筈です。
3D Triangle/640x480x8, Flat [1,2,12] [1,3,12] [1,12] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 169 413 281 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 159 414 190 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 7.97 20 9.51 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 36.8 45.9 34.1 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Flat [1,2] [1,3] [1] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 169 419 277 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 60 412 190 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 8 20.6 9.51 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 36.8 46 34.1 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Gouraud [1,2] [1,3] [1] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 135 329 260 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 128 337 126 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 6.38 16.8 6.28 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 36.5 47.6 13.6 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Gouraud,N [1,2,13] [1,3,13] [1,13] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 100 242 166 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 99 241 77.6 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 4.95 12.1 3.88 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 12.6 46.6 9.28 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Gouraud,L[2,6,14,15] [1,3,13] [1,13] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 98.4 244 162 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 23.6 242 77.6 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 1.18 12.1 3.88 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 1.44 45.1 9.28 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x8, Z,Flat [1,2,12] [1,3,12] [1,12] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 169 406 278 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 160 414 190 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 7.99 20.7 9.51 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 36.8 46 34.1 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Flat [1,2,16] [1,3,16] [1,16] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 150 386 183 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 146 308 100 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 7.28 15.4 5.02 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 22.3 33 10.9 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud[1,2,16] [1,3,16] [1,16] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 121 321 238 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 117 316 120 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 5.84 15.8 6.02 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 22.2 33.7 10.8 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,N[1,2,13,16] [1,3,13,16] [1,13,16] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 92.7 229 158 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 91.3 233 75.4 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 4.57 11.7 3.77 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 11.8 33.4 7.29 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,L[2,6,14,15,16] [1,3,13,16] [1,13,16] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 91.4 231 159 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 20.6 231 67.3 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 1.03 11.6 3.36 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 1.24 33.4 6.19 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,D,N[1,2,13,16] [1,3,13,16] [1,13,16] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 92.6 234 156 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 91 234 75.4 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 4.55 11.7 3.77 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 11.8 33.4 7.29 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,S,N[1,2,13,16] [1,3,13,16] [1,13,16] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 92.4 200 151 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 91.2 200 75.4 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 4.56 10 3.77 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 11.8 24.5 7.28 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,Fv,N[2,6,14,16,17] [1,3,13,16] [1,13,16] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 95.5 195 145 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 28.8 192 68.4 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 1.44 9.62 3.42 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 1.91 33.1 7.02 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,D,S,Fv,N[2,6,14,16,17] [1,3,13,16] [1,13,16] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 95.7 173 139 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 28.6 173 68.4 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 1.43 8.65 3.42 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 1.91 24.3 7.02 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,D,S,Fv,L[2,6,14,16,18] [1,3,13,16] [1,13,16] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 80.4 172 139 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 19.4 173 63.8 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 0.968 8.66 3.19 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 1.18 24.3 6.13 Million Pixels/Sec
コメント:もうVooDooの独壇場ですね。 さすがは3D専用カードか。 特に、セットアップ処理において、 基本単位が5 Pixelから50 Pixelに変わっても、全然速度は落ちません。 一方のVeriteも、セットアップ 処理をカード側で出来るだけあって、なかなかの結果だと思います。 前述した通り、この結果はリファ レンス用の物なので、メーカーによってチューンされたボードならば、さらに結果は良くなると思います。 面白いところで、Mystiqueですが、セットアップ処理に関してはビリですが、Pixel FillRateに関しては、 Veriteを抜いている場合もあります。 これはSGRAMのお陰なのでしょうか?
NOTES Legend: Best Score, Intermediate Score, Worst Score [1] Direct3D HAL was used. [2] The following Windows tasks were running during this test and could affect the test results: HGCCTL95.EXE, MGACTRL.EXE, MSIME97M.EXE, RUNDLG.EXE, WNLSSUB.EXE [3] The tests were run on a secondary video adapter: 3Dfx DirectX II Driver. [4] The test ran with these hardware capabilites overridden: FogVAndAlpha(off) FogVAndColorKey(off) [5] The test ran with these hardware capabilites overridden: Specular(off) Alpha(off) FogVAndAlpha(off) [6] RGB Emulation with the MMX DLLs was used. [7] Hardware acceleration was not used on this test. The unsupported settings are: 'Linear'. [8] Hardware acceleration was not used on this test. The unsupported settings are: Specular. [9] Hardware acceleration was not used on this test. The unsupported settings are: Fog 'Linear' 'FogVertex and ColorKey'. [10] The drivers cannot run this test. The unsupported settings are: HARDWARE: 'Mipmap Linear' SOFTWARE: 'Mipmap Linear'. [11] The drivers on Primary Display Driver cannot run this test. The unsupported settings are: HARDWARE: 'Mipmap Linear' SOFTWARE: 'Mipmap Linear'. [12] This test was designed to run at 640x480x8. However, the selected adapter does not support this mode. Instead, the test ran at 640x480x16. [13] The texture surface was allocated in video memory. [14] The texture surface was allocated in system memory. [15] Hardware acceleration was not used on this test. The unsupported settings are: 'Linear'. [16] The Z-buffer was 16 bits deep. [17] Hardware acceleration was not used on this test. The unsupported settings are: Fog. [18] Hardware acceleration was not used on this test. The unsupported settings are: Fog 'Linear'. [19] The drivers cannot run this test. The unsupported settings are: HARDWARE: Fog 'Mipmap Linear' SOFTWARE: 'Mipmap Linear'.

コメント:最後に、やはり3D専用カードは高速です。 Direct3D API上でこれだけの差がつくのです から、VooDooネイティブのソフトウェアはきっと爆発的に速いのでしょう。 日本でも、TAITOなどが、 このVooDooチップセットをベースにしたアーケード基板を開発したとの事ですが、この性能ならば、 十分に理解出来ます。 さて、2D/3D兼用カードですが、最初のテスト項目でもわかる通り、Direct3Dで定義された、いくつかの 機能をサポートしていません。 特にMystiqueではそれが顕著です。 これではDirect3D対応のソフトが 出ても、ボードによって性能差が激しいのではないでしょうか。 Direct3Dが定番になるには、もう少し 時間がかかりそうです。 VooDooの性能はわかりましたが、同じく3D専用カードである、PowerVR搭載カードの性能も 是非見てみたいものです。 また、ViRGE DX/GXなど、前作の3Dエンジンを強化したものについても、 結果が非常に楽しみであります。

しかし買うべきものは3Dfx VooDooといった感じですか(^^;

UpDate 97-05-17



WinBench97(3D WinMark) TEST RESULT
            M/B    : MICRONICS M6Mi
            BIOS   : Phoenix Technologies 10/25/96
            CPU    : Intel Pentium Pro 200MHz (L2 256KB)
            RAM    : 192MB  (32MB × 6 / EDO 60ns)
            VIDEO  : CANOPUS Power Window DX/4MC
                     NEC PC3D Engine
            HDD    : WesternDigital AC32500 (E-IDE 2.5GB Fat32)
                     WesternDigital AC21200 (E-IDE 1.2GB Fat32)
                     IBM DORS-32160UW       (UltraWide 2.1GB Fat32)
            FDD    : ARGOTECHNOS21 3mood
            CD-ROM : MITSUMI ATAPI ×12
            H/A    : Adaptec AHA-2940UW
            SOUND  : CreativeMedia SoundBlaster AWE64 Gold
            MONITOR: SONY CPD-17sf9
                   : 1024*768 16bit 90Hz

            OS     : Windows95  OSR2(Ver.4.00.950B)

WEIGHTED SUITE Current Results UNITS 3D WinMark 99.8 [2] TEST Current Results UNITS 3D Quality/Fog Vertex Capable [1,2] 3D Quality/Fog Table Capable [1,2] 3D Quality/Specular Highlights Capable [1,2] 3D Quality/Color Key Transparency Capable [1,2] 3D Quality/Alpha Transparency NotCapable [1,2] 3D Quality/Linear Capable [1,2,3] 3D Quality/Mipmap Linear Capable [1,2] 3D Quality/Dithering Capable [1,2,3] 3D Quality/Perspective Correction Capable [1,2] 3D Quality/Fog Vertex and Color Key Capable [1,2] 3D Quality/Fog Vertex and Alpha NotCapable [1,2] 3D WinMark/ 1/Stations1,N,2 27.9 [1,2] Frames/Sec 3D WinMark/ 2/Race Track,N,6,T 14.6 [1,2] Frames/Sec 3D WinMark/ 3/Chapel,N,6 5.11 [1,2] Frames/Sec 3D WinMark/ 4/Stations2,L,2 16.8 [1,2,3] Frames/Sec 3D WinMark/ 5/Stations3,L,2,S 12.8 [1,2,3] Frames/Sec 3D WinMark/ 6/Islands,L,6,T,F 6.04 [1,2,3] Frames/Sec 3D WinMark/ 7/Chapel,L,6 5.07 [1,2,3] Frames/Sec 3D WinMark/ 8/Islands,NML,6,T 6.06 [1,2] Frames/Sec 3D WinMark/ 9/Chapel,NML,6 5.06 [1,2] Frames/Sec 3D WinMark/10/Stations4,NML,2 7.2 [1,2] Frames/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x8, Flat [1,2,4] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 71.7 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 82.3 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 4.12 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 51.4 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Flat [1,2] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 68.9 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 73.9 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.69 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 51.3 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Gouraud [1,2] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 66.2 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 76.2 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.81 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 50.6 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Gouraud,N [1,2,5] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 60.8 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 66.1 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.31 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 48.4 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Gouraud,L [1,2,3,5] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 60.7 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 70.4 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.52 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 48.3 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Gouraud,NML [1,2,5] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 60.4 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 71.8 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.59 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 48.4 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x8, Z,Flat [1,2,4] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 69.4 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 76.7 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.83 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 51.3 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Flat [1,2,6] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 68.7 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 79 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.95 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 51.4 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud [1,2,6] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 65 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 76.4 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.82 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 50.6 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,N [1,2,5,6] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 60.4 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 71.4 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.57 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 48 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,L [1,2,3,5,6] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 60.4 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 66.3 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.31 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 48.1 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,NML [1,2,5,6] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 59.5 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 69 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.45 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 47.9 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,D,N [1,2,5,6] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 59.5 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 69.5 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.47 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 48 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,S,N [1,2,5,6] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 60.4 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 65.1 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.25 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 48 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,Fv,N [1,2,5,6] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 59.4 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 70.3 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.52 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 48 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,D,S,Fv,N [1,2,5,6] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 59.5 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 65.7 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.29 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 48 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,D,S,Fv,L [1,2,3,5,6] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 59 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 69.3 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.47 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 48.1 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,D,S,Fv,NML [1,2,5,6] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 59.1 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 69.4 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.47 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 48 Million Pixels/Sec 3D/Z-Buffer Clear 8820 [1,2,6] Million Pixels/Sec NOTES [1] Direct3D HAL was used. [2] The following Windows tasks were running during this test and could affect the test results:  MSWHEEL.EXE, NAVAPW32.EXE, NPROTECT.EXE,  POINT32.EXE, PVRILOAD.EXE, RESIZER.EXE, WNLSSUB.EXE [3] This test was designed to run with the Linear texture mapping filter. However, this adapter does not support this mode. Instead, the test ran with Mipmap Linear. [4] This test was designed to run at 640x480x8. However, the selected adapter does not support this mode. Instead, the test ran at 640x480x16. [5] The texture surface was allocated in video memory. [6] The Z-buffer was 16 bits deep.


ULTIM@TE RACEとかは、凄いですからね。

UpDate 97-05-17



WinBench97(3D WinMark) TEST RESULT

WEIGHTED SUITE Current Results UNITS 3D WinMark 29.1 [2] TEST Current Results UNITS 3D Quality/Fog Vertex Capable [1,2] 3D Quality/Fog Table NotCapable [1,2] 3D Quality/Specular Highlights NotCapable [1,2] 3D Quality/Color Key Transparency NotCapable [1,2] 3D Quality/Alpha Transparency NotCapable [1,2] 3D Quality/Linear Capable [1,2] 3D Quality/Mipmap Linear NotCapable [1,2] 3D Quality/Dithering Capable [1,2] 3D Quality/Perspective Correction Capable [1,2] 3D Quality/Fog Vertex and Color Key NotCapable [1,2] 3D Quality/Fog Vertex and Alpha NotCapable [1,2] 3D WinMark/ 1/Stations1,N,2 11.4 [1,2] Frames/Sec 3D WinMark/ 2/Race Track,N,6,T 4.85 [2,3,4] Frames/Sec 3D WinMark/ 3/Chapel,N,6 2.45 [1,2] Frames/Sec 3D WinMark/ 4/Stations2,L,2 7.17 [1,2] Frames/Sec 3D WinMark/ 5/Stations3,L,2,S 1.64 [2,3,5] Frames/Sec 3D WinMark/ 6/Islands,L,6,T,F 1.19 [2,3,4] Frames/Sec 3D WinMark/ 7/Chapel,L,6 2.37 [1,2] Frames/Sec 3D WinMark/ 8/Islands,NML,6,T No Result [2,6] Frames/Sec 3D WinMark/ 9/Chapel,NML,6 No Result [2,7] Frames/Sec 3D WinMark/10/Stations4,NML,2 No Result [2,7] Frames/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x8, Flat [1,2,8] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 152 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 153 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 7.65 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 35.8 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Flat [1,2] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 153 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 152 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 7.62 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 35.8 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Gouraud [1,2] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 136 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 136 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 6.8 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 35.7 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Gouraud,N [1,2,9] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 64.1 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 63.9 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.2 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 11.3 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Gouraud,L [1,2,9] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 63.7 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 64.1 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.21 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 7.82 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Gouraud,NML [2,7] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup No Result Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup No Result Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill No Result Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill No Result Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x8, Z,Flat [1,2,8] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 152 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 152 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 7.61 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 35.7 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Flat [1,2,10] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 142 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 142 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 7.11 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 19.5 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud [1,2,10] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 129 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 128 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 6.42 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 19.5 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,N [1,2,9,10] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 62.6 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 62.5 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.13 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 7.87 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,L [1,2,9,10] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 57 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 39.5 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 1.97 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 6 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,NML [2,7] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup No Result Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup No Result Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill No Result Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill No Result Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,D,N [1,2,9,10] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 62.4 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 62.5 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.12 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 7.87 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,S,N [2,3,10,11,12] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 77.5 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 23.9 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 1.19 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 1.66 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,Fv,N [1,2,9,10] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 60.1 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 60.3 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 3.01 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 7.87 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,D,S,Fv,N [2,3,10,11,12] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 72.5 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 22.1 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 1.11 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 1.5 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,D,S,Fv,L [2,3,10,11,12] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup 57.6 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup 14.5 Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill 0.723 Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill 0.9 Million Pixels/Sec 3D Triangle/640x480x16, Z,Gouraud,D,S,Fv,NML [2,13] 5 Pixel Triangle Setup No Result Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Setup No Result Thousand Triangles/Sec 50 Pixel Triangle Fill No Result Million Pixels/Sec 1000 Pixel Triangle Fill No Result Million Pixels/Sec 3D/Z-Buffer Clear 232 [1,2,10] Million Pixels/Sec NOTES [1] Direct3D HAL was used. [2] The following Windows tasks were running during this test and could affect the test results: INTERNAT.EXE, PWSTEER.EXE, WNLSSUB.EXE [3] RGB Emulation with the MMX DLLs was used. [4] Hardware acceleration was not used on this test. The unsupported settings are: Transparency. [5] Hardware acceleration was not used on this test. The unsupported settings are: Specular. [6] The drivers on Primary Display Driver cannot run this test. The unsupported settings are: HARDWARE: 'Mipmap Linear' Transparency SOFTWARE: 'Mipmap Linear'. [7] The drivers on Primary Display Driver cannot run this test. The unsupported settings are: HARDWARE: 'Mipmap Linear' SOFTWARE: 'Mipmap Linear'. [8] This test was designed to run at 640x480x8. However, the selected adapter does not support this mode. Instead, the test ran at 640x480x16. [9] The texture surface was allocated in video memory. [10] The Z-buffer was 16 bits deep. [11] Hardware acceleration was not used on this test. The unsupported settings are: Specular. [12] The texture surface was allocated in system memory. [13] The drivers on Primary Display Driver cannot run this test. The unsupported settings are: HARDWARE: Specular 'Mipmap Linear' SOFTWARE: 'Mipmap Linear'.





CPU      : PentiumII-266MHz-512KB
MB       : Tekram P6F40K-A5(ATX)
HDD      : Western Degital WDAC33100
CD-ROM   : LG Electronics 16x CRD-8160B
Video    : Matrox Mystique + PC-3DEngine
Sound    : SoundBlaster16PnP + YAMAHA DB50XG
SCSI     : Adaptec AHA-2490U
MO-Drive : MELCO MOS-S230
OS       : Windows95 OSR2

★ ★ ★ HDBENCH Ver 2.292 ★ ★ ★ 使用機種 Processor PentiumII 266MHz(66x4.0) 解像度 1024×768 1677万色 Display Matrox MGA Mystique PowerDesk Memory 64,540Kbyte OS Windows 95 4.0 (Build: 1111) Date 1997/ 5/12 SCSI = Adaptec AHA-2940U/AHA-2940UW PCI SCSI Controller HDC = Intel 82371SB PCI Bus Master IDE Controllers HDC[?]=Creative Labs IDE controller HDC = プライマリ IDE コントローラ (デュアル FIFO) HDC = セカンダリ IDE コントローラCD = GENERIC IDE DISK TYPE47 A = GENERIC NEC FLOPPY DISK CD = GENERIC IDE DISK TYPE47 E = KONICA OMD-6020 Rev 2.09 F = LG CD-ROM CRD-8160B Rev 1.07 Processor PentiumII 266MHz(66x4.0) ALL 浮 整 矩 円 Text Scroll DD Read Write Cache Drive 10576 20926 17034 10801 2794 4096 72 109 7864 6597 25000 C:10MB
Processor PentiumII 300MHz(66x4.5) ALL 浮 整 矩 円 Text Scroll DD Read Write Cache Drive 11493 23546 19167 10809 3519 4092 72 109 7573 7266 27396 C:10MB
コメント:見ての通り、かなり速いです。試しに200MHzで動作させたところ、同クロック のPentium Proより1〜2割ほど速い結果となりました。 PentiumII-266は、セカンドキャッシュの速度ぎりぎりで使うことになりますが300MHzで動作 可能のようです。(某誌によれば、セカンドキャッシュの速度は7ns。セカンドキャッシュは CPUクロックの半分で動作するので、300MHzで必要な速度は、1/150MHz=6.7ns。本当 にぎりぎり。) これ以上のクロックアップを望むには300MHz版でないと無理でしょうが、300MHz版が相 当高価(おそらく、セカンドキャッシュのメモリがお高いんだと思う)なことを考えると、266M Hz版を300MHzで使用するというのは結構お特ではないでしょうか。 ただし、300MHzで動かすと発熱が大きいので、廃熱には気をつけたほうが良いと思います 。(私は、剣山型のヒートシンクのみしか使ってませんが、ケースがほんわか温かいです。 とはいえ、CPU、ヒートシンクとも手でさわれる程度の温かさなので、大丈夫だと思いますが。 動かしっぱなしでも誤動作しないし)

ほえ〜・・・・(°° なんかP100から見ると、あんまりかけ離れた数値で現実味が有りません(笑)